The OnPoint® CSV Maker requires an OnPoint API Key. This service is not available to free 30-day Developer Keys. To upgrade your key, please email or call (844) 813-2617.

File Format


Location Type



NOTE: 1 year of daily data at 5000 locations will be approx. 500 MB and take around 1 hour to generate and download.
1 year of hourly data at 500 locations will be approx. 700 MB and take around 1 hour to generate and download.


FORMAT: One pair per line.
NOTE: 1 year of daily data at 5000 locations will be approx. 500 MB and take around 1 hour to generate and download.
1 year of hourly data at 500 locations will be approx. 700 MB and take around 1 hour to generate and download.


Do not include the file extension (.csv).